How To Earn Money On Facebook in 2023 (10 Proven Ways)

Social media evolved to help people connect with their friends, colleagues, family, or like-minded individuals, bridging the geographical gap. However, today, people use sites like Facebook and YouTube to earn money online. This guide explores how Facebook pays.

You can turn your social media into a sustainable online business by selling your products (physical or digital) and services. You can also apply for Facebook monetization, sell online courses, offer coaching and consulting services, or create subscription-based content.

However, please remember that making money on Facebook requires hard work, commitment, and consistency. So, I do not intend to show you how to become a millionaire overnight. And most importantly, you must comply with Facebook monetization policies and terms of service.

That being said, let’s explore 10 proven ways to earn money on Facebook.

Disclosure: This content is reader-supported, which means if you click on some of our links, we may earn a commission, but the price on your end remains the same.

How to Monetize your Facebook Content

Like YouTube Monetisation, you can monetize your Facebook content and make money online. Creators eligible for monetization programs, like Facebook Ad Breaks, Facebook Stars, and Facebook Gamming, can apply for it. Then, you can earn on this popular social media platform through Creator Fund or creators partnership on Facebook Watch.

  1. Creator Fund: Meta created this fund to financially support creators and publishers who create engaging content on Facebook and Instagram. As a content creator, you can apply for this fund and get monetary compensation for your content. It is based on content quality and engagement, and your performance, and aims to help creators succeed.
  2. Facebook Watch: This video-sharing platform allows creators to share unique and original videos and earn from them. If eligible, Facebook places in-stream ads (short videos or images) within your videos and gives you a share of the advertisement revenue. And your income depends on many factors, including the location of your views.
  3. Subscriptions: Another way creators with a large audience can make money on Facebook is through subscriptions. However, this option is only for invites. And with it, you can create a subscription on your page and learn a monthly income. You can offer your supporters exclusive benefits and grow your community of people who subscribe to your page.

The monetization options available depend on location, audience size, and engagement. You must attain certain requirements and adhere to the policies to qualify for monetization. The requirements and policies (explained below) are subject to change, so you keep updated.

Facebook Monetization Eligibility

The monetization requirements vary depending on factors like location. And the type of monetization option you’re interested in. Here’re a few of the key requirements:

  • You must follow Facebook’s community standards, including sharing acceptable content and behaving appropriately. For instance, you should not share offensive content.
  • You should also meet the minimum audience size and engagement. For instance, if you’re interested in in-stream ads, your page should have at least 10,000 followers, 600,000 total eligible minutes viewed in the last 60 days, and at least 5 active videos on your page. These requirements vary for those seeking to apply for subscriptions:
What you need to make money on Facebook through subscriptions
  • Creators must comply with Facebook monetization policies. They should follow the guidelines for instream-ads and branded content. The policies protect the users from inappropriate or disruptive ads and make creators transparent about their brand relationships.
  • You should also share original, authentic, and high-quality content.
  • Meet the age requirements, and comply with local laws and regulations.

Check out all the requirements here, and remember that the policies and guidelines are subject to change. Thus, you should always be updated and comply with the most recent ones. Also, confirm which monetization options are available to you in your Facebook Studio.

Other Ways to Earn Money on Facebook

Besides joining the Facebook monetization program and earning money through ads, there are more ways to make money on this awesome platform. So, these options do not have a minimum audience or engagement to get started. The most common ones include the following:

4. Stet up an Online Shop

One of the many ways to earn from your Facebook page is to set up a Facebook or Instagram shop and start selling your products online. Meta gives you practical insights and case studies to help you customize and promote your online shop. And even use ads to reach more audiences.

While customizing your online shop, you should write concise product descriptions and titles. Share high-quality images, especially with a 360-degree view, to help your audience have a close look at the products. And feature the most exciting products in the most premium spaces.

How to make money by creating an Facebook and Instagram shop

5. Affiliate Marketing

Another yet popular way to earn money on Facebook is through affiliate marketing. It involves promoting other products and services through unique links in exchange for a commission. So, I want you to sign up for ShareASale (an affiliate network) and find products to promote.

Or check these 20 awesome affiliate programs for beginners and find which is suitable for your audience. Remember to find products that are suitable for your audience. Apply for their affiliate programs, get unique links, and share them with your Facebook content.

You can also share the links to relevant Facebook groups and pages and earn more money.

6. Create Sponsored Posts

Besides promoting products and services through affiliate marketing or selling your own, you can also create sponsored posts for brands. Suppose you create content about digital marketing. You can partner with brands to share their digital products and services with your audience.

However, this option requires you to have a larger and well-targeted audience. And also high engagement and performance on your page. Remember to partner with brands and share products and services relevant to your audience, as your aim should be to solve their problems.

7. Sell Online Courses

Other than selling products on your Facebook shop, you can create an online course in your niche and promote it on your social media pages. And even use paid ads, or share them with other relevant groups and pages, and reach a larger audience and target customers.

Creating an online course isn’t that complicated, but you need to follow these steps:

  • Find a topic for your course
  • Test the plausibility of your idea
  • Conduct extensive research on the topic
  • Prepare a course outline
  • Publish your course online, like on your website
  • Market your course online
  • Start selling your course

Courses are best for people who have already established themselves as leader in the industry. And you have to conduct extensive research before creating your course. Find out what people are interested in learning, and create a high-quality course for your audience.

8. Crowdfunding

You can raise money for a cause, project, or business through Facebook crowdfunding campaigns. Create a crowdfunding campaign and then promote it across Facebook to earn the money needed to start a business or speed up the product development process.

You can also use this means to fund business growth and access a network of potential investors and customers. However, unlike platforms like GoFundMe, Facebook does not offer advanced fraud protection guarantees, and the campaigns can are limited to Facebook only.

9. Paid Virtual (Online) Events

The paid online event is a Facebook monetization tool available to specific markets to eligible pages. It allows creators to create, host, and monetize their virtual events. It is a way to increase the audience, earn more money, and eliminate the inconvenience of in-person events.

You should first ensure your page is eligible for paid online events. And your page must be at least 30 days old and reside in a supported region. Then review and accepts the terms and conditions, and set up a payment account. Then promote your event and charge admission fees.

10. Sell your Services

You can earn money on Facebook by acting as a consultant or offering mentorship services. And the choice of your services will depend on the issues your audience is facing and your expertise and interests. You can charge for time and expertise as a specialist in your field.

For instance, if you’re a public speaker or a motivational speaker, you can let people book your services on Facebook. Here’re some profitable skills you can learn on your own. You can be a social media marketing consultant, SEO agent, or fitness coach and earn from your skills.

Conclusion: What Next?

There are many opportunities to earn money online on Facebook. But before you think of it, first find an interesting and profitable niche, learn some skills, and build an audience and engagement. Fortunately, there are courses you can take online to advance your skills.

If eligible, apply to join the Facebook monetization program. And make money through in-stream ads, Creator Fund, or subscriptions, among other means. Or consider other options like:

  • Create an online shop on Facebook
  • Promote and sell digital products
  • Start affiliate marketing
  • Create sponsored posts for bands
  • Create and sell an online course
  • Use Facebook crowdfunding campaigns
  • Create paid virtual events
  • Sell services online

Remember to comply with Facebook monetization policies and guidelines. And in the case of sponsored posts, disclose your relationship with the brands to your audience. Just be transparent with your audience and only share products or services that solve their problems.

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